Saturday, January 30, 2010


Parenting is the most challenging work we will ever do. It is also the second most important work we will ever undertake.
Real training is virtually non-existent in Western society and the social-economic value attributed to it is so low, that parents are encouraged to put their children into day care and get a "real" job.
It starts somewhere around conception, and goes on until death, it is a two way learning process in which, most of the time, the lessons are not called upon, and the consequences of not learning them can be harmfull to the individual, the family unit, and society as a whole.

The sharing, the bond, and the opportunity for spiritual growth are only limited by the depth of commitment and willingness to undertake and participate.

The joys and rewards are immeasurable, and leave a permanent smile on our heart as they make way for more challenges of growth.

As parents we bring to succeeding generations, the warmth, joy and a sense of belonging, a sense and experience of being loved and cared for, being roused upon and admired.

As parents it is our responsibility to pass on to our childern that somehow,
everything is going to be fine.


  1. Same fig birds, same three eggs hatched, birds growing, the first to hatch was the first to climb the branch and explore the magnolia tree. of course as children often do, the little bird went to far and its wings were not quite ready for flight so it fell into our garden, and luckily didn't land in the pond. Tried to help but the male parent figbird was ruthless in defending its young from me, predator or helper. I watched as the male fig bird encouraged with chirping, the long climb up the man fern, onto the shed roof, back to the man fern, then a jump into the pines and then another brave jump back into the magnolia tree. All the time with such encouragement from the parent. Isn't this what we do, encourage and guide, and help our young strengthen their wings and learn to fly. We hope they do not fall, or take things to quickly but they do what they do. We pass on our knowledge and continually provide for them until they are independent. Of course the little birds leave home never to return but if we are lucky as humans our children return from time to time and we get the chance to be grandparents and pass on our encouragement and guidance....

  2. Indeed!
    As for the other photos, well I didn't feel comfortable puting our family on the big wide web.
